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Friday, Oct 16, 7 – 8:30 p.m.

Understanding the 2020 Election

Interpreting data and rhetoric in a high-stakes political climateCutting through misleading information to make more informed decisions

As we near the 2020 election and wade through the associated barrage of political messaging, our brains are tasked with making sense of a tremendous amount of content. The high stakes of this particular election amplify how important it is to interpret this content accurately. Jen will share practical tips and strategies to avoid rhetorical traps, interpret confusing or misleading information, and draw informed conclusions.

About Jen Bland

Jen’s expertise in the intersection of data, rhetoric, and public policy stems from her graduate work and professional background spanning nearly 15 years as a social science researcher and consultant, with a particular focus on translating research findings across constituencies. Additionally, Jen is an unabashed lifelong political junkie with a degree in political science and substantial experience volunteering with local and national campaigns, and a connoisseur of all things satirical.

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