Registering for Placements
If you are thinking about being evaluated for a new division, let your Placement Coordinators know!

(1) The easiest way is to select “Try out for ____” when you register for Summer season.

(2) If you have already registered for the next season and want to evaluate for a higher division, email

In order to skate in a placement session, you must pre-register (by either method just mentioned) at least a week in advance. If you’re uncertain, email us anyway; we’d rather be over-prepared than to be surprised on evaluation day. We will do our best to accommodate last minute requests to skate, but know that adding any hopeful skaters at the last minute diminishes our ability to make sure everyone is evaluated properly.  

If you have any questions about Placements, from the process to how to sign up, please reach out. Your Placement Coordinators, Liz Tan and Lucy Williamson, can answer your questions. There is also a handy FAQ for placements on the NCWHL website,

Evaluators and Skaters Needed!
Our placement sessions depend on help from our players! It is vital to the process to have players volunteer to evaluate the division below theirs, as well as skating in division placement sessions.  

All Skaters
Please show up and skate hard. You are the standard by which the hopeful skaters are evaluated. 

Maroon and Blue Players
Please come out and evaluate, even if you have never done it before. We provide snacks, a thank you gift card/entry to raffle, and training for those who need it. You can even shadow an experienced person if you’d like.

Seeking Blue Division Evaluators
If you know someone who has plenty of hockey experience and is willing to come sit and watch, we are always on the lookout for Blue division evaluators, please let Lucy know by emailing contact information to These people can be referees, significant others, and friends who have a lot of hockey knowledge but don’t play in the league. We rely on their help to evaluate hopeful Blue players. 

We look forward to seeing you on the ice soon. Have a great new season!