Getting Started
How do I join the NCWHL?
Joining is easy. You’ll first need to register for the League and also USA Hockey. Someone will contact you about your playing level. If you’ve never played before, you will start in our beginner Green Division. If you have some playing experience, you may evaluate in our Placement Sessions to be placed in one of the higher divisions: Red, Maroon, or Blue.
How can I find out if Women’s hockey is right for me?
NCWHL puts on Give Hockey a Try Day twice a year. Our members volunteer their time and gear to individuals interested in trying out hockey for themselves before investing in the sport. We are happy to answer any questions you may have! Don’t hesitate to email us.
I’m new to hockey. Does the NCWHL help me get gear?
The NCWHL holds a used Gear Sale at Give Hockey a Try Day events. If you’d like to be informed of our next event, please contact our GHATD Coordinator.
How do I get on the NCWHL email list for weekly updates, reminders and invites?
Please send your name and address to our Email Directory Coordinator.
Divisions & Placements
Do I have to attend the placement sessions?
Yes. All players need to attend placement sessions to ensure proper division placement and fair team creation. These sessions are also for conditioning and practicing skills that you are unable to focus on in game situations. This is your ice time, please use it. Players registering in the Green Division do not undergo an evaluation of skill as there are no minimal skill requirements. Instead these sessions will be used for conditioning.
How do I decide what placement sessions to attend?
Returning players: Please attend the session for the division that you were previously placed in.
New Players: Please check the NCWHL skills criteria for each division to identify your placement within the league with your skills.
If you are still unsure which sessions to attend after reading the skills criteria for the divisions, contact the Placement Coordinator or Division Coordinators for additional help.
Can I attend more than my assigned placement session?
You are provided 2 placement sessions to attend. You are required to attend 1. The placement coordinators may request that you attend a placement session for the division higher or lower than the one to which you were previously assigned. The Placement Coordinators will contact you directly if this is the case.
What if I can’t make a placement session?
Please inform the Placement Coordinator ( and offer to make up the session by attending another one. You must make arrangements with the Placement Coordinator to ensure that you attend the required placement sessions. If you do not attend placement sessions and you have not made other arrangements, the division in which you will eventually be placed may fill up and you risk not having a roster spot available for you in that division. You are strongly encouraged to make every effort to attend placement sessions.
I am already assigned to a division. If I cannot make the placement sessions, will I be automatically placed in the division I played in last season?
Yes. Returning players who have been registered with the NCWHL within the past year will be placed in the same division they previously played in.
What if I registered and missed the regular placements and now there are no roster spots available in the division in which I have been placed when I finally was able to be evaluated?
If you informed the league prior to team selection, you can request a refund minus administration fees. Refunds are not guaranteed. Please see the refund policy published under the NCWHL League Rules.
What if I can’t attend placement sessions because of injury or pregnancy?
If you are unable to attend the regular placement sessions and plan to return later during the season, you will have to go through the mid-season placement process upon your return. Unfortunately, the division you would eventually be placed in may fill up and you risk not having a roster spot available in that division. If you are not able to return for the remainder of the season for reasons of injury or pregnancy, you can request a credit per the credit policy published under the NCWHL League Rules.
Should I register if I am injured before the season starts?
Unfortunately, if it is a serious injury and you are unsure as to when you will be able to play again, we are unable to accept your registration. If you are injured, please wait until you are able to play again before submitting your registration. When you are able to play again, you will need to go through the mid-season placement process and if there is still a roster spot available in the division in which you have been placed, you may register. If you are unsure if you should register, please talk to the Division Coordinator or the Placement Coordinator.
Do I get any break on fees for joining later than the registration deadline?
There is no break on fees for starting the season later than the official start of the season unless you are new to the league, in which case you might be eligible for prorated fees.
What if I join the NCWHL after placement sessions are complete?
Please contact the current Division Coordinator listed on the NCWHL website to arrange for a mid-season placement. Unfortunately, if you are unable to attend the normal placement sessions, the division you would eventually be placed in may fill up and you risk not having a roster spot available for you in that division.
What color jersey should I wear to the placement sessions?
New players: You will provide your jersey color and number to the Evaluation Coordinator when you sign up to attend evaluation sessions. Bring and wear that jersey.
Do I have to submit my registration before placements?
Yes, only registered players are allowed on the ice due to insurance coverage reasons.
Can I register late? Can I register after placements?
Yes, you can register late or after placement, however, if you missed the regular placements sessions, you will need to go through a mid-season evaluation to assure your placement in the division appropriate to your skill set. You have to go through evaluations at the start of next season to continue in that division. Unfortunately, if you register after the season has started, the division you would eventually be placed in may fill up and you risk not having a roster spot available for you in that division.
Can I register and not attend placements?
Yes, we will accept your registration form and fees but you will not be placed on a team until you have been evaluated. You will have to be evaluated at the start of next season.
Miscellaneous Questions
What if I decide I don’t want to play hockey with the NCWHL?
Please see the refund policy published under the NCWHL League Rules.
What is the minimum age for the NCWHL?
The NCWHL can only accept players 18 years of age or older.
I’d only like to play for half the season; can I split the season with another player?
No. The NCWHL does not currently accept splits. Two players playing as one during a season is not permitted.
What if I get injured or pregnant?
The NCWHL treasurer will issue a league credit to be used within a calendar year of notification by the player if injured or pregnant. Inform your Division Coordinator via email with the date of the last game you played.