The NCWHL welcomes transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive (TNG) people to the league. We recognize that we have far more to gain than lose when we create solidarity among women and TNG people, all of whom experience gender based bias and discrimination.

• We encourage folks to share their pronouns when they introduce themselves. You can add your pronouns to your name in the Player Portal by adding it after your last name.

• League members are expected to respect every player’s gender identity by consistently using their authentic name and pronouns. If you make a mistake (it happens), simply correct yourself without making a big deal about it, and then work to improve.

• League members should strive to use gender inclusive greetings and language such as friends, everyone, people, or team.

• When referring to bathrooms, the best practice is to provide directions to all available bathrooms; describe them as with or without urinals, and gender neural if available. Encourage everyone to use the bathroom that they are most comfortable with.